Association Governance
General Information
The SELPA Administrators of California membership consists of one official dues-paying representative of each Special Education Local Plan Area. The Association meets ten times annually as an organizational body; however special meetings are called as needed. Officers of the Association who make up the Executive Committee are elected for a one-year term but serve for five consecutive years, first as Secretary, then Treasurer, then Chairperson-Elect, then Chairperson, and finally Immediate Past Chair. The Association relies on the hard work of its various committees and their co-chairs, who collaborate and regularly present to the entire Association their areas of expertise.
Executive Committee
This committee shall plan agendas, make executive decisions, meet with the State Department Assistant Superintendent/Director of Special Education, and select the Chairpersons of the other standing committees. The Executive Committee shall be empowered to make decisions between meetings deemed to be urgent in nature and of importance to the Association. Provided such decisions are communicated electronically and are brought before the membership at the next regular meeting for ratification. Its other functions include:
- Provide leadership for the membership on key issues
- Plan agendas
- Make executive decisions on behalf of the membership
- Serve as the primary liaison with CDE and other statewide organizations and agencies
- Review and prepare final letters for distribution
- Select the Committee Co-Chairs of standing committees and representatives for CDE workgroups and statewide committees
Steering Committee
This committee consists of the Executive Committee; Past Chairpersons; Legislative Committee and Finance Committee Co-Chairs; the Single District SELPA Representative; four Region Representatives; and expert representative in Equity - Diversity - Inclusion, California System of Support, Climate and Culture, Communications, and Disproportionality. It's purposes include:
- Advise the Executive Committee
- Coordinate information for the general membership
- Make motions and recommendations to be presented to the membership for approval
- Coordinate with other statewide organizations and agencies to promote common issues
- Develop action plans to promote the defining objectives
- Assign tasks to Committee Co-Chairs
Committees and Committee Co-Chair Responsibilities 
Major committees include the Legislative Committee, the Finance Committee, and New Directors. Several other committees are constituted around special areas of expertise. Click on the image at the right for the full descriptions of committees. All committee work is done on a volunteer basis by members who have full-time SELPA Administrator positions. There are two ways for interested members to be considered for committee co-chairs. 1.) No later than April, there will be an annual committee interest survey, and 2.) recommendations from current co-chairs to solicit volunteers, which will be considered by Steering. Co-chair duties include:
- Report to Executive or Steering Committee on proposed actions
- Focus presentations on the defining objectives
- Prepare draft letters for Executive Committee based on committee motions
- Coordinate with other statewide organizations and agencies to promote common issues
- Recommend motions and specific plans of action to the membership
- Coordinate with Finance and Legislative Committee regarding pending legislation
General Membership
- Share your expertise
- Volunteer to serve on a committee or workgroup
- Share SELPA Administrators of California’s message and decisions at the local level
- Support an inclusive, safe, and trusting culture
- Focus on unified organizational results through commitment
- Reach out to all members to build new relationships
- Contribute to a meaningful dialogue that embraces healthy debate
- Hold all members accountable to the culture of trust and vulnerability
- Listen, learn, mentor, and bring your ideas forward