A Voice for Students with Disabilities for 45 Years
In 1977, all school districts and county school offices in California were required to form geographical regions of sufficient size and scope to provide for all special education service needs of students residing within the region’s boundaries. Each region became known as a Special Education Local Plan Area, or SELPA. Learn more by clicking the video at the right.
Today, there are 136 SELPAs in California. SELPA governance structures vary in form, including models for Multi-District SELPAs, Multi-District/County Office SELPAs, Single District SELPAs, Multi-District/Multi-County SELPAs, County SELPAs with Joint Powers Agreements, and Charter only SELPAs. Each SELPA's comprehensive Local Plan describes how it provides special education services pursuant to Education Code.
The SELPA Administrators of California is a statewide association made up of nearly all current and retired SELPA administrators. We meet regularly to obtain the latest information on data and compliance, to share best practices in student programs, to be provided legal updates and state updates, to problem-solve systemic issues, and plan events and trainings that will promote student and staff success.
State SELPA Video Productions
SELPA Students
SELPA Parents
SELPA Overview
News and Resources
An Integrated Statewide System of Support
California is in the midst of bold educational reform effort that fundamentally changes how the state provides resources to local educational agencies (LEAs). Central to this reform is that LEAs are accountable for improving student performance and narrowing performance gaps among student groups. One of the most pronounced performance gaps relates to meeting the needs of California’s students with disabilities. As the new accountability system shines a different light on students with disabilities, Special Education Local Plan Areas (SELPAs) are uniquely positioned to leverage a well-established resource network to support LEAs in improving outcomes for students with disabilities. In response to the "One System" California Statewide Special Education Task Force Report that called for “one coherent system” to serve all students, the California Department of Education (CDE) designed the “Statewide System of Support” to assist LEAs and their schools in meeting the needs of each student served, with a focus on building capacity to sustain improvement and effectively address inequities in student opportunities and outcomes. SELPA leadership and expertise is integrated throughout this Statewide System of Support.

Capacity Builders
SELPAs provide targeted technical assistance resulting in quality special education programming and increased student engagement in the least restrictive environment. As partners in special education compliance monitoring and Differentiated Assistance processes, SELPAs utilize continuous improvement as a framework for identifying equity gaps to improve student outcomes. SELPAs provide extensive professional development on high leverage, evidenced-based practices, and SELPAs are key collaborators on numerous statewide reform efforts.
SELPAs facilitate equity in local decision-making and access to the full continuum of supports and services in the least restrictive environment for all students with disabilities regardless of where they reside. The local governance structures facilitated by our members ensures SELPAs equitably allocate resources and disseminate essential information. SELPAs collaborate with LEAs to ensure alignment of statewide and local improvement efforts. SELPAs build positive relationships among and between stakeholders by proactively facilitating conflict resolution services and trainings.
Our ability to connect is rooted in shared leadership, expertise, and local control. SELPAs connect with experts across all domains associated with quality special education programs and services. SELPAs build on parent and community knowledge and engagement through their Community Advisory Committees (CAC) that serve as forums for collaboration, training, and shared leadership in program design. SELPAs leverage interagency partnerships and resources to help districts and families access specialized supports, enhance learning opportunities, and innovate on behalf of students with disabilities.